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Shooting Gallery: Craven’s Crypt

You and your party have stumbled into Craven’s Family Crypt! Awakening Lord Craven, who does not tolerate unauthorized visitors to his final resting place, he commands you to leave! When you don’t he summons his dead descendants to drive you from his crypt. 28 different Zombies reanimate before your very eyes, blasting out of their crypts, the walls, and even the floors as their matriarch, Lord Craven, commands them  to keep attacking you as you try to defend yourself against the coming horde. Each time you shoot, zombies retreat only to regenerate and attack until Lord Graven is ultimately defeated

Theme Parks:
-Many ways to play! Shots / Time per dollar, group play to win a prize, or, as a part of part of your redemption center. 
-Use this gallery all year round not only to produce tremendous revenue, but, to also advertise in the pre-season of your upcoming Halloween event for your park.

Haunted Attraction Owners:
-Sometimes patrons wait for an hour or more with little to do while waiting for their turn in the haunted house!  This is the ultimate queue line entertainment that helps tell your backstory while generating extra revenue at the same time! 
-Use the gallery throughout the year to generate off season revenue and advertise your attraction at regional fairs and festivals. What better way to make additional money in the off season?
-Use the gallery throughout the year to generate off season revenue and advertise your attraction at regional fairs and festivals. What better way to make additional money in the off season? 

To have your questions answered, or place an order for The Craven’s Crypt Shooting Gallery, or a custom themed shooting gallery, send us an email! 
