Floating Flying Phantoms- are available in 6’, 9’, 13’, & 20’ form factors. These characters have an upper torso pivot that allows them to pivot and dance along with secondary independent reaching/swimming arm movements that enhances their flight while mounted to the FLT Rig. They have LED eyes and are dressed in long flowing gossamer fabrics that adds to their effectiveness when flying in strobe light.is creates an impressive overwhelming array of interacting characters to entertain your guests and also makes for an incredible photo op for folks to share on social media.
Floating Flying Phantoms
Floating Flying Phantoms
$3,955.50 – $4,675.50
Floating Flying Phantoms – 6’, 9’, 13’, & 20’ form factors. Characters have an upper torso pivot that allows them to pivot and dance along with secondary independent reaching/swimming arm movements that enhances their ight while mounted to the FLT Rig. LED eyes, dressed in long owing gossamer fabrics.
Flying/Thrashing Phantoms – are available in 6’, 9’, 13’, & 20’ form factors. These characters have an upper torso pivot that allows them to twist, thrash and undulate violently in their flight while mounted to the GER Rig. They have LED eyes and are dressed in long flowing gossamer fabrics that adds to their effectiveness when flying in strobe light.
FLT = Floating Levitating – propels a fully animated giant character up/down and left/right, allowing the character to float and sweep in an arc above your patrons heads and then dive down to address them from above. This is a ground supported boom that allows you to completely control the flow and positioning of a floating/flying Character.
Phantom Array- Our Floating/Levitating, Flying/Thrashing Phantoms are built in a modular fashion so that they may be combined to create an array allowing multiple characters to fly at different angles of attack to perform in front of your patrons. A (3) character array would typically be one larger character in the center floating/levitating above with flying/thrashing characters attacking from the left and the right. Th
Flying Phantoms | Floating Flying 13' Phantom on FLT Rig, Floating Flying 20' Phantom on FLT Rig, Floating Flying 6' Phantom on FLT Rig, Floating Flying 9' Phantom on FLT Rig |