GD190- Flying ThroneDragon

GD190- Flying ThroneDragon

Perfect for Hayrides or other large outdoor areas, our Flying ThroneDragon features compelling head, neck, jaw movements as well as a dramatic independent wing flap. Wings are made out of lightweight nylon parachute material that billows and will not absorb water when used outdoors in the rain. Dragon has a 30' wingspan at a height (with tail tip on the ground) of 14'. Character features red and yellow LEDs in mouth so that when used with optional high pressure air/fog blast, Dragon gives the appearance of blowing fire/smoke.

Optional Accessories:
GD191- ThroneDragon Portal
GD192- ThroneDragon Gargoyles
GD193- ThroneDragon Portal Internal Scaff Tower
GD194- ThroneDragon Portal Aluminum Cross Truss Assembly
GD195- ThroneDragon Electric Hoist


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SKU: GD190
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