Monster Operation – Haunted Carnival Games

Monster Operation - Haunted Carnival Games

Custom Monster Corpse with built-in Cavities with body parts for extractions. Outer perimeters of cavities are rigged to go off when players touch edge with surgical instrument attempting to extract body part from cavity. Includes extraction instrument and surgical table.

OPTIONAL Monster Character upgraded to have a randomized timer that will unexpectedly cause the character to twitch at different times during the attempts making it more challenging and forcing the players to act decisively
OPTIONAL Monster Character upgraded to scream and thrash back to life if attempt fails.
OPTIONAL Custom Static Operation Table
OPTIONAL Mechanical Operation Table that flips/tips Monster forward if attempt fails.

Free Standing Spinning Wheel with corresponding body parts for extractions indicated
Emergency Flashing Light that goes off when attempt fails
Set pieces to include (3) Castle vacuform panels attached to framed walls
3′ x 10′ Full color Graphic Banner for this Game


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Single-Player Mode: A gruesome spectacle based upon the popular kid’s game, Players must have a steady hand as they use electronic tongs to extract body parts from a The Monster. If they touch the edges of the exposed cavity a loud buzzer sounds, strobe lights flash, character screams and thrashes back to life and the entire operating table flips up spilling The Monster as their turn is now over having failed the attempt. Players spin a gruesome wheel (3) times to tell them which body part they must extract from The Monster, if they successfully extract three body parts they win a prize. The Monster character has a randomized timer that will unexpectedly cause the character to twitch at different times during the attempts making it more challenging and forcing the players to act decisively. The game is designed to be set in an elaborate, bloody laboratory. Players are positioned behind the table within the set making this an amusing Photo Op and spectacle for the spectators heckling their friends attempting to win the game.

Multi-Player Mode: Allows a group of 2, 3, 4 or more Players to square off in a single elimination challenge, as Players take turns spinning the Wheel and extracting the body parts as their competitors cheer them on. Mishandle your assignment and your out…last man to successfully complete the challenge wins the game!

Free Standing Spinning Wheel with corresponding body parts for extractions indicated
Emergency Flashing Light that goes off when attempt fails
Set pieces to include (3) Castle vacuform panels attached to framed walls
3′ x 10′ Full color Graphic Banner for this Game

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