14′ Tall Super Skelerector- Clown
14' Tall Super Skelerector- Clown
SPRSKL185- 13′ Tall Super Skelerector- Clown
Designed specifically for haunted trails, hayrides and other areas where you need a super large, super fast character to fly up out of its hiding place- our 14’ Tall Super Skelerector is based upon our wildly popular Skelerector mechanism we invented more than 20 years ago. This mechanism allows a giant character to lie in collapsed upon itself and then when triggered to stand up fully super fast… we like to hide these in total darkness and then trigger them with a synched large strobe or other light to literally come out of nowhere. Character is sculpted front and back and is a true three dimensional character. 100% completely outdoor rated. Choose your character type below or call for complete customization.